Press Release – 1/12/2079 :: Ministry of Labor, Employment, and Social Security
काठमाडौं : नेपाल वैदेशिक रोजगार व्यवसायी संघको आगामी निर्वाचन विधान संशोधन बिना नै हुने भएको छ । संघको तदर्थ कार्यसमितिले...
List of Foreign Employers Blocked for conducting foreign employment in Nepal by Department of Foreign Employment(Updated on : 2020-06-30) Download...
वैदेशिक रोजगारीका लागि साउदी अरबमा आएका कतिपय नेपाली कामदारहरुलाई यहांको हावापानी, तापक्रम, भूगोल, भीसा तथा रोजगार (कफला) पद्बति, कम्पनी तथा...
  • September 28, 2020
  • admin

Labor migration post-COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic is disrupting society, economy and politics in almost all parts of the world. Every country is likely...